
The system for central monitoring of fuel level consists of two active components:

  • Unilevel software for petrol stations – is designed to collect data from the fuel measurement systems for processing them and reacting to the critical states of the tanks. The program provides the collected data on-screen, but the main advantage is the ability to send them to a central database, where you can get the necessary statistical information later. There is also the possibility to send data and warnings by e-mail.
  • Web reporting system – is designed for the analysis of information contained in the database. Reports submitted in the form of tables and graphs provide the information on all the tanks of petrol stations network for 24-hour period.

The diagram shows the physical (solid lines) and virtual (dotted lines) architecture of the system:

There is no necessity to use the connections marked by dotted lines (petrol station – central server, petrol station –e-mail recipients, central server – Web clients), but they have been checked and tested.

Unilevel program, which is at the petrol station, can communicate with measurement systems using  the Serial (otherwise RS232) or TCP/IP protocols, depending on what kind of metering system is used or what connection method is selected. Using the Serial protocol fuel measurement system is physically connected directly to the computer which is running Unilevel station program. Using the  TCP/IP protocol fuel measurement system is connected to the network hub, through w

hich it can communicate the Unilevel station program.

Supported measurement systems:

  • Hektronic Optilevel HLS (TCP/IP link);
  • OPW SiteSentinel (TCP/IP or RS232 links);
  • Wayne Fusion (TCP/IP link);

The Unilevel program does not limit the number of fuel tanks. It depends on the capabilities of the measurement system.

Submission of data to the user can be made in the following ways:

  • Data observation and printing using Unilevel station program;
  • Sending e-mail warnings and reports at specified intervals to the relevant addressees;
  • Sending data to the central database, that can be later accessed from the Unilevel Web system.

Unilevel station program is designed to work on Windows operating system.

When the data is periodically collected in the central database, its representation is possible in the Unilevel Web system. Since the database is shared by all the petrol stations, the information on all tanks in the network of petrol stations is stored in Web system.

Reports provided by the Unilevel Web system:

  • General Report of the network of petrol stations;
  • Detailed Report of a petrol station;
  • Monthly Report of a fuel tank;
  • 24-hour schedules of a fuel tank;
  • The Report of the supplies (fuel deliveries) to fuel tanks.

Connecting to the Unilevel Web system is available from any device with access to the internet, and the information appears in the internet browser.